Sumio Kobayashi Official Website
Geneva Music Office. Composer • Linguist • Poet
Sumio Kobayashi
He has received formal musical training, excelling with piano and solfège, since 1985. He won at the I.C.O.M.S. 29°Concorso Internazionale di Composizione, Gyeongsangnam-do Special Prize at Isang Yun Prize, was second place at the Toru Takemitsu Composition Award in 2013, was a finalist at Pablo Casals International Composition Competition in 2015 and won the International Composers' Competition of the European Capital of Culture Wrocław 2016. He has made appearances at festivals such as Takefu International Music Festival, Tongyeong International Music Festival, and Weimarer Frühjahrstage für zeitgenössische Musik.
Date of birth 29/12/1982
Mie-Ken, Japan
University of Kent (PhD in linguistics) Supervisor: Professor Amalia Arvaniti, Sub-supervisor: Dr Tamara V. Rathcke
Canterbury, United Kingdom
・Finalist at The Music Competition of Japan (Japan), 2009.
・Second Prize at I.C.O.M.S. 29th International Composition Contest (Italy), 2011.
・Gyeongsangnam-do Special Prize (second prize) at Isang Yun Prize (Korea), 2011.
・Mullord Award at The fourth annual Alvarez Chamber Orchestra International Composition Competition (United Kingdom), 2012.
・Second Prize at Toru Takemitsu Composition Award (Japan), 2013.
・Second Prize at 6ème Concours International de Musique du Festival Pablo Casals (France), 2015, Juries; Michel LETHIEC, Karine LETHIEC, Members of Ensemble Calliopée, RALF GOTHÓNI, David Philip HEFTI, Vladimir MENDELSSOHN, Arto NORAS, Jörg Widmann, Marc-André DALBAVIE.
・First Prize at 2016 Busan MARU International Music Festival Composition Competition (Korea), 2016
・First Prize at International Composers’ Competition EUROPEAN CAPITAL OF CULTURE WROCŁAW 2016 (Poland), 2016. Juries; CHEN Yi, Ivan FEDELE, Zygmunt KRAUZE, (Chairman), François-Bernard MÂCHE, Grażyna PSTROKOŃSKA-NAWRATIL.
・Japan Student Services Organization First-Class Scholarship for outstanding master thesis and academic achievement (with full exemption from refund), 2011
・Mie International ,Exchange Foundation Scholarship, 2014
・Languages: English (C1), French (B2-C1), Japanese (native) and Russian
Invited Composer
・Takefu International Music Festival (Japan), 2010, 2013, 2014
・Icon Arts Contemporary Music Festival (Romania), 2013
・Tongyeong International Music Festival (Korea), 2015
Short BIO as a composer
Sumio Kobayashi (born 29 of December 1982 in Mie, Japan) is a Japanese composer of contemporary classical music.
He has received formal musical training, excelling with piano and solfège, since 1985. Having studied with Joji Yuasa and Hiroyuki Itoh, he won composition competitions.
Сумио Кобаяши (родился 29 декабря 1982 года в префектуре Мие,Япония.) композитор современной классической музыки. Начал обучение сольфеджо и фортепьяно с 1985 года в возрасте 3-х лет.После обучения с профессорами Джоджи Юаса и Хироюки Ито, занималпризовые места в конкурсах I.C.O.M.S. (Concorso Internazionale diComposizione в 2011)в Италии, Isang Yun International Composition Prize в2011 в Южной Корее и Toru Takemitsu Composition Award в 2013 году вЯпонии . А так же музыкальные произведения Сумио Кобаяшиисполнялись на таких фестивалях как Takefu International Music Festival иTongyeong International Music Festival.
Sumio Kobayashi (geboren 1982 in Mie, Japan) ist ein japanischer Komponist der zeitgenössischen Musik. Seit 1985 absolvierte er eine klassische Ausbildung in Musik mit den Schwerpunkten Klavier und Solfeggio. Zu seinen Lehrern gehören Joji Yuasa und Hiroyuki Itoh. Bei folgenden Wettbewerben und Festival gewann er verschiedene Preise: I.C.O.M.S. 29th International Composition Contest (Italy), Toru Takemitsu Composition Award (Japan), Concours International de Musique de Festival Casals (Frankreich) und Gyeongsangnam-do Special Prize am Isang Yun Prize (Korea). Kobayashi nahm an verschiedenen Festivals teil, wie dem Takefu International Music Festival.
Né à Mie en 1982, Sumio Kobayashi est un compositeur japonais. Après une Maîtrise de linguistique, il obtient des prix aux concours nationaux et internationaux. Il étudie la composition avec Hiroyuki Itoh et Joji Yuasa.
Sumio Kobayashi est invité dans des festivals internationaux comme compositeur en résidence et compositeur invité.